Thursday, October 31, 2019
Theory of Clause Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Theory of Clause - Essay Example Usually, relative clause cannot stand alone as a sentence. In contrast to dependent clause, independent or main clause is a clause that can stand alone. Main clause is synonymous to a simple sentence. In essence, clause is the basic unit of meaning in the English language (Stuart-Smith, 2003). Either dependent or independent, a clause conveys a message. This paper, on the other hand, examines the relative clause as a basic unit of a language in relation to functional grammar, especially in the ideational metafunction level. Here, the use of the word clause will refer to dependent clause. The usage of a clause in the different world languages differs greatly. There are three identified dimensions of these differences: (1) position of the clause with respect to the head noun or the noun being modified; (2) how a clause is marked; (3) the absence or presence of a pronominal reflex (Celce-Murcia & Larsen-Freeman, 1999, p.573). In the English language, a clause follows the head noun. For instance, in the sentence, "San Antonio is a city that has experienced very rapid growth," the head-noun San Antonio precedes the italicized clause. To place the clause before the head noun in a sentence sounds, if not ungrammatical, awkward. Farsi and Arabic languages share similar syntactic pattern in the clause usage compared to most European languages. However, Japanese and Korean languages do not adhere to the first dimension of the above-mentioned clause usage (Celce-Murcia & Larsen-Freeman, 1999, p.573). In the second dimension, the English language employs a relative pronoun (e.g., who) or demonstrative pronoun (e.g., that) to mark that what follows is a clause (Celce-Murcia & Larsen-Freeman, 1999, p.573). For example, "I read the journal that you recommended." Or, "I love the girl who appreciates poetry." The lines before the demonstrative and relative pronouns are independent clauses that can stand as a sentence. The application of the pronouns that and who merely modify the head nouns. Besides English, Persian and Chinese languages use other forms of markers placed between the head noun and the clause. The presence or absence of the pronominal reflex is the third dimension along which languages differ in the clause usage (Celce-Murcia & Larsen-Freeman, 1999, p.573). In the sentence, "Art called out to the girl that he knew," the "that" replaces "the girl" in the embedded sentence, "he knew the girl." Ideational Metafunction Ideational metafunction is one of the three fundamental functional components of a language. Ideational metafunction is primarily concerned with the function that "language has of being about something" (Halliday & Hasan, 1976). In the past, a theory of the fundamental functions of language have been developed, in which lexicogrammar can be subdivided into 3 broad metafunctions, namely: interpersonal, ideational and textual. Each of these 3 deals with a different aspect of the world, and they are concerned with various modes of clause meanings. "The ideational metafunction is about the natural world in the broadest sense, including our own consciousness, and is concerned with clauses as representations. The interpersonal metafunction is about the social world, especially the relationship between speaker and hearer, and is concerned
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 28
Accounting - Essay Example This has affected the performance of entire divisions ROI. The company should therefore be more careful in selecting assets in the future in order to make sure that its ROI remains high at all the times. The performance of the newly purchased capital item could also be low because the company is charging too high depreciation in the early years. Although depreciation does not incur any outward cash flow, but it is recorded in order to get the tax advantage. The company can lower the depreciation amount for the capital item in order to improve the divisional ROI accruing for the Capex (Capital Expenditure). Gary Speed can improve the performance of future Capital Acquisitions by keeping in mind the depreciation and ROI calculation policies of the company. Since these policies are little different from the market, Gary Speed will have to change his accounting practices and way of thinking accordingly in order to predict a more accurate ROI and cost saving plan from the new purchase. Gary Speed can improve the ROI from the capital expenditure by lowering down the depreciation of the assets in the first year. He can charge lower depreciation in the earlier years and higher depreciation in the future years in order to show to the board that the purchase is performing as well as expect . Gary Speed can also formulate a new plan for calculating ROI. He should make changes to the way EverGreen Corporation calculates the ROI on its Capex. One great of calculating the accurate ROI from the capital purchase or a project is by using the IRR or internal rate of return method. Gary Speed can use this method in order to get the accurate picture of ROI and profitability potential of new purchases. This way he can be sure that the ROI from the project is neither overstated nor understated. This will give the accountants in the company and managers a better ground to base their decisions upon. Currently, the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Media: Promoting And Protecting Right To Information
Media: Promoting And Protecting Right To Information Freedom of expression, unrestricted propagation of ideas and ready access to information are essential for the functioning of a democratic government. If people are unaware of what is happening in their society or if the actions of those who rule them are hidden, then they are prevented from taking a significant part in the affairs of the society. Access to information not only facilitates active participation of the people in the democratic governance process, but also promotes openness, transparency and accountability in administration. It is thus a crucial facilitator of good governance, as it reflects and captures Government activities and processes. In the same light, the right of every citizen to access information held by or under the control of public authorities, has been as effective tool for ushering in good governance. The Indian Parliament enacted the Freedom of Information Act, 2002, to promote transparency and accountability in administration. This was subsequently repealed and later a new act, The Right to Information Act, came into force on 12 October 2005. Under the law the Indian citizens are empowered to seek information from a Public Authority, thus making the Government and its functionaries more accountable and responsible. The Act has now been in operation for over three years and has benefited many, including the poor and the underprivileged. The many provisions of the Act mandate a legal-institutional framework for setting out the practical regime of right to information for every citizen to secure access to information under the control of public authorities. Participation, rule of law, transparency, responsiveness, equity and inclusiveness, effectiveness, efficiency, accountability, strategic vision and consensus-orientation are the major characteristics of good governance. Transparency refers to decisions being taken openly and being enforced according to rules and regulations. It mandates that information should be freely available and directly accessible to those who will be affected by such decisions and their enforcement. It also means that enough information is provided to all the stakeholders and the media, in easily understandable forms to enable their meaningful participation in the decision making processes and criticism of the same. Accountability ensures that public institutions and functionaries are answerable to the people and to their institutional stakeholders i.e. those who will be affected by its decisions or actions. Accountability cannot be enforced without a regime of transparency. We discussed the factors contributing to good governance. Herein, it is pertinent to mention that a direct relationship exists between right to Information, informed citizenry and good governance. On one hand good governance aims at putting an end to inconsistent government practices and establishing a responsive State, the Right to Information provides citizens the opportunity of being informed of the Governments actions. Public participation in Government, respect for the rule of law, freedom of expression and association, transparency and accountability, legitimacy of Government, and the like, which are the core values of good governance, can be realised only if the right to information is implemented in the right spirit. The role of media organisations assumes considerable importance in realising the objectives of the RTI Act. The media can not only play an important role in monitoring public service delivery by invoking provisions under the RTI Act, but can also facilitate in generating awareness and capacity building on RTI among the community. Thus the media performs an important role in the governance process by acting as a bridge between the community and public agencies. The media can make a real difference to the lives of poor and disadvantaged people and aid in development by making people more aware of their rights and entitlements and enabling them to have access to government programmes, schemes and benefits. Besides people can be made more aware of political issues which would help to stimulate critical thinking and debate. This creates pressure for improved government performance, accountability and quality. The media also helps in drawing attention to institutional failings corruption, fraud, waste, inefficiency, cronyism, nepotism, abuse of power and the like. It fosters exchange of best practices, knowledge resources, access to better technology, and to better choices. A discursive space for citizens to dialogue with other actors in the governance process is also provided by the media. Empowerment, social awareness action and good governance are the three key areas through which the media can make a significant impact on development and poverty reduction. Firstly, the media gives voice to the needs and aspirations of the people and provides them access to relevant information. Thus, it cannot be denied that the media has a definite role to play in the empowerment of citizens. In all its varied forms, media has opened up the potential for new forms of participation. The access to information and accessibility of information has increased with growth of print and electronic media and the Internet. In contemporary times, the media is being used even by the vulnerable and marginalized sections of the society to make their voices heard. Secondly, the media can be effective not only in preserving freedom but also in extending it. The news media plays a decisive role in establishing a discursive space for public deliberations over social issues. The formative influence o f the media on public attitudes, thoughts and perceptions is fundamental to the process of citizen engagement in public dialogue. Giving a voice to the poor also entails giving the poor people adequate opportunities to take initiatives for overcoming their problems. The media, through its role in shaping public awareness and action, can be a critical factor in facilitating sustainable development and poverty reduction. Lastly, a free media is a necessary requisite for good governance. As an information channel between corporations, government, and the populace, the media acts as a watchdog against government malfeasance, while at the same time fosters greater transparency and accountability. The media monitors public service delivery and reports on key issues to the public at large, thereby exerting pressure on public service providers. The media creates the right framework of incentives for good governance, by highlighting institutional failings to guard against as well as institut ional successes for replication. It lets people voice diverse opinions on governance and reform, exposes corruption and malpractices and helps build public consensus to bring about change. The World Association of Newspapers (WAN), the global organisation of the worlds press has long argued that a free and unfettered press is a positive force for accelerated and equitable socio-economic development. It held that the predominance of free and independent press accompanies economic growth and human development. In countries with free press, human development indicators such as school enrolment, teacher-pupil ratio, pupil performance, infant mortality, maternal mortality, nutritional status of women and children etc. tend to fare better than countries with restrictions on press and freedom of information. The work of the Nobel Laureate, Amartya Sen has even established a link between active media and the avoidance of disasters like famines. The role of media as a watchdog of the government and the corporate sector, a transmitter of new ideas and information, a voice of the poor, a safeguard against the abuse of power and neglect of the socially vulnerable, and a builder of public consensus to bring about change is pervasive. However, the independence of the media can be fragile and easily compromised. It is clear that to support development, the media needs the right environment in terms of freedoms, capacities, and checks and balances. The Right to Information regime does give the media that critical support. Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations states: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. The above provision only reiterates the fact that the mass media is the most important vehicle for information, knowledge and communication in a democratic polity. They are pervasive and play a significant role in shaping societies by providing the public sphere of information and debate that enables social and cultural discourse, participation and accountability. Being the most accessible, cost-effective and widespread source of information and platform for expression the media plays a crucial role in building an inclusive Information Society based on knowledge power and its distribution. However to ensure that the potential of the media is truly achieved steps should be taken to protect and extend media freedom and independence, and rights of access to information by actively developing the potential of media to provide information along with a forum for debate on topics of public interest, cultural expression and opportunity to communicate, especially to the poor and marginalised. Strengthening the capacity of media should be facilitated, to promote and help build an Information Society by raising awareness, channelling civil society concerns, debating policies and holding government, private sector and civil society accountable. An RTI regime can enable credible, evidence-based and factual reporting on key issues of public interest. It can enable the media to expose mal-administration, corruption and inefficiency and to propagate stories and instances relating to accountability, transparency, effective administration and good governance. By using the RTI Act, the media can play an important role in highlighting issues related to public service delivery and the efficacy and accountability of public officials. Under the RTI Act, the journalists reporters, like citizens, can: Demand from the Government information pertaining to any of its departments Demand photocopies of Government contracts, payment, estimates, measurements of engineering works etc. Demand from the Government certified samples of material used in the construction of roads, drains, buildings etc. Demand to inspect any public development work that may be still under construction or completed Demand to inspect Government documents construction drawings, records books, registers, quality control reports etc. Demand status of requests or complaints, details of time delays, action taken on Information Commissions decisions etc. The media thus can play a constructive role in the governance process by acting as a catalyzing agent for the implementation of the core provisions of the Act. As the fourth pillar of democracy, the media not only has an important stake in what the RTI Act purports to provide and achieve, but also in entrenching the implementation and enforcement of this significant piece of legislation. Besides, fundamentally the media aids in providing information to the citizens and building awareness among the masses on the Act. Despite the provisions that have been made to access information, citizens resort to media like newspapers, radio, television etc. for day to day information about public authorities and their activities. The media provides a link between the citizens and their government. The medias right to information or right to tell is not a special privilege but rather, an aspect of the publics right to know. It thereby gives voice to the Citizens. As part of the civil society, the media is obligated to articulate the needs and aspirations of the people. Using the Act, the media can highlight key issues faced by the citizens, particularly those faced by the poor and voiceless. The role of the media as a watchdog on behalf of the citizens cannot be ignored. The best service that the media provides to the public, whether in a mature or emerging democracy, is that of a community watchdog. Journalists should see and perform their role keeping in mind public interest. Using RTI, the media can expose corruption and inefficiency. However, in performing a watchdog role and digging out the truth, journalists should be careful in interpreting facts and evidence. The multi-dimensional facets of the importance of the media reiterate that the media plays the role of an honest broker of information for its readers without deliberate bias or favouritism. The media must consider its independence to be its most valuable commercial, editorial and moral asset. Maintaining its independence through professional behaviour and a code of conduct that is subscribed to by all journalists, the media can be a powerful user of the RTI Act and an agent for the empowerment of people through an Information Society. The objective of the Act to usher in a practical regime of right to information cannot be attained without a proactive role played by the media.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Bosnia Civil War Essay -- History, The Serbs, Genocide
The genocide in Bosnia started in 1992 and lasted until 1995 and it involved the massacre of the Muslims by the Serbs . The United Nations and the Great Powers of the world failed Bosnia in providing support and aid. To understand what went wrong during the crisis in Bosnia one must first look at the situation that existed there before the conflict. Bosnia is made up of three different ethnicities, the Muslims made up forty-five percent of the population, the Serbs made up thirty-three percent of the population and the Croats consisted of the remaining sixteen percent . The major difference between these ethnicities is not their language but their religions. The Muslims generally practice Islam, the Serbs were traditionally Orthodox and the Croats were mainly Roman Catholic, but the conflict between them was not so much based on their religion as much as nationalism (pg691) . The different ethnicities were not separated within Bosnia; instead they were all mixed together . For exampl e, villages that were made up of mostly Serbs may surround a largely Muslim town . The different ethnicities would not interact with one another on a regular basis but they also were not separated into different and exclusive areas (pg691) . The tensions between these three ethnicities had been steadily rising throughout history but they were generally kept under control by outside forces . They were originally forced to co-exist under the Ottoman Empire, then a Serb monarchy forced them to cooperate and lastly it was Tito who installed order through Yugoslavia . After Tito passed away they each started to embrace the freedom they never had and that is when the violent ethnic conflicts started (pg691) . As well as the different ethnicity another part o... prove themselves because of the failures of previous peacekeeping operations including Somalia. Furthermore, the rules and the structure of the U.N. creates many difficulties that make it hard to accomplish any goals. Lastly, the peacekeepers faced many obstacles that were unable to overcome. There were problems within the actual peacekeeping force that limited what they were able to accomplish, and although the attempted to complete the tasks set out for them it was impossible to do with the resources they were given. The situation in Srebrenica is an example of the impact that the failures of the U.N. have on an actual mission of the peacekeeping operation. The Bosnian civil war is an unfortunate crisis that the U.N. should take as an opportunity to learn from their mistakes, because unfortunately their mistakes cost the lives of a numerous amount of people.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Ptlls 008 Roles, Responsibilities Essay
Important to define the terms prior to listing the entities which may impact on my work: Legislative requirement: A duty to act according to the law as defined in an Act of Parliament and usually enforceable through the courts. Code of Practice: A set of rules outlining how a person in a particular profession or situation is expected to behave. Statutory Code of Practice: A Code of Practice approved by Parliament and admissible as evidence in any legal action. The Children Act (2004) – Every Child Matters underpinned the Change For Children agenda. The Act came into being following the death of Victoria Climbie. The Act is applicable to children and vulnerable adults up to the age of 25. Focused on five specific outcomes for children: Be healthy Stay Safe Enjoy and Achieve Make a positive contribution Achieve economic well-being Protection of Children Act (1991) – gave local authorities to investigates cases of child abuse. Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006) – introduced a vetting and barring service for those working with children and vulnerable adults. Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks (previously CRB checks). Code of Professional Practice (2008) – introduced by the Lifelong Learning Sector. The code is based on 7 behaviours expected of teachers. Copyright Designs and Patents Act (1988) – relates to copying and adapting materials. The Data Protection (1998) – relates to information held on people by others. Education and Skills Act (2008) – aimed at increasing participation in learning. The Equality Act (2010) – brought all the areas of discrimination: race, sex, disability, race into one Act. The 2010 Act identifies 9 areas of discrimination. Freedom Of Information Act (2000) – individuals can ask to see the information held on them Health and Safety At Work (1974) – imposes obligations on all to operate within a safe and healthy environment Human Rights Act (1998) – basic rights for all The Further Education Teacher’s Qualifications (England) Regulations (2007) – professional status for teachers in FE and a qualification route GRAVELLS, A. (2012) Preparing To Teach In The Lifelong Learning Sector 1. 2 Analyse own responsibilities for promoting equality and valuing diversity The definition of equality is to treat everybody equally, especially in terms of status, rights and opportunities. The 2010 Equality Act brought together a number of different pieces of legislation which means it is unlawful to discriminate against people on the grounds of pay, sex, race and disability. Diversity means being aware that every person is unique, not only because of their visible differences such as race, age or disability, but also non visible differences, religion, social background, economic status or political beliefs. Inclusion is about being objective and looking beyond first impressions. It’s about diversity and breaking down barriers, changing lives and promoting equality. Within my role it’s important for me to base my practice around the concepts of equality, diversity and inclusion and keep an open mind. Without an open mind I may not support all people equally to recognise their potential and achieve their aspirations. Discrimination could then be argued to have occurred as students would not have been treated equally. Particular to my role as a potential facilitator would be the areas of Differentiation Preconceived stereotypes Encouraging a wide variety of views Use of culturally diverse images and resources Learning support where appropriate 1. 3 Evaluate own role and responsibilities in lifelong learning Reflective Journal Annex A It is important to consider this question in relation to internal and external influences. My role as a facilitator is connected to the Learning Cycle. The cycle consists of five reoccurring elements. It is appropriate for me to answer this question offering examples for each element. Identify needs. Role – arranging assessments to identify student need particularly in the key skill areas: numeracy, literacy and ICT Responsibility – offering information, advice and guidance on the contents of the course Plan learning Role – planning schemes of work and when it will be taught Responsibility – designing a scheme of work, lesson plans and resources Deliver/Facilitate learning Role – establish ground rules Responsibility – deal with inappropriate behaviour as it arises Assessing Learning Role – assess progress whether it be for internal purposes or national examination bodies Responsibility – offering feedback to students Evaluation Role – improve the teaching and learning process Responsibility – evaluate session taught perhaps through student reflective journals 1. 4 Review own role and responsibilities in identifying and meeting the needs of learner Reflective Journal Annex B To meet the needs of the learner, firstly I would conduct an initial assessment, particularly in the areas of key skills: literacy, numeracy and ICT. This would enable both myself and the learner to identify and agree areas where additional support was required to enhance learning Secondly I would negotiate Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) to enable both the learner and myself to set targets and monitor outcomes. Thirdly I would initiate regular tutorials where individuals could receive dedicated individual attention where achievement could be celebrated and support and help offered. Lastly, I would constantly be mindful of barriers to learning whether this be learning or personal ones. In such cases where there were issues depending on the nature of these issues I would either deal with them myself or signpost the student to an appropriate professional 2. Understand the relationships between teachers and other professionals in lifelong learning 2. 1 Analyse the boundaries between the teaching role and other professional roles There are three areas on which I intend to focus. First the teachers time is limited it therefore may be appropriate to refer a student to another professional, for example if the students wishes to discuss their career ideas, although I would feel comfortable doing this I may not have the time. I would therefore signpost them to a career expert. Secondly the teacher may not have a particular expertise and teachers should be respectful of the abilities of other professionals. For example if my computer projector broke down I would ask a technician to repair it. They would have both the expertise and health and safety knowledge to complete the task. Thirdly within the busy life of a classroom it is not always possible to meet the specific needs of the learner whether this is in respect of key skills, language barriers or personal problems. In any of the incidents it would be appropriate for me to refer them to another professional. The key is always to support the learning of the learner.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Crime in America Essay
Crime statistics tells us the variation of crimes that are being committed in the United States. The Bureau of Statistics compiles information processed in the federal justice system and gives us statistics on the many different crimes in America. This is a site that compiles crimes and tells us about how many different crimes are being committed and how many times they are being committed. This also gives us an idea of how much space we need to house these criminals. There are many jails and prisons that are over populated. Statistics also tell us that our crime fighting is not as good as it should be. With the websites for crime reporting this helps us to see what crimes are being committed and, how we can prepare for this and, how to prevent it. There is not a way to stop all crime or even prevent it but if we know what crimes are being committed more it will help us get a better understanding on how to catch the criminals that are involved in this type of behavior. In my honest opinion no crime is ever going to be completely stopped. If we all work together to pinpoint the main crimes we may also be more prepared to deal with them and catch the individuals involved. Crime in America today is on the rise the question is how to fix it before it gets out of hand. There are many different crime reporting measuring systems today. These help us get an idea of what crimes are being committed the most in what areas. With these types of statistics we may be able to start fighting crime in these areas to prevent further destruction in our communities. The Nation’s two crime measures are the UCR program and the NCVS. The UCR (Uniform Crime Reporting) this program collects information on crimes reported to law enforcement agencies. It compiles data monthly from the state agencies that report to the FBI. This system examines each report for accuracy or errors that may have occurred. It compares each monthly report to previous months and years to determine how much crime was committed from each month to each year. It gives us a detailed annual report. This comes in handy when trying to figure out if crime is on the rise or it is decreasing. The NCVS (National Crime Victimization Survey) this program gives us a detailed picture of crime incidents, victims and trends. This is used to uncover crime, update the survey methods and broaden the scope of crimes measured. The survey is designed to collect detailed information on the frequency and nature of the crimes that are being committed. This helps us to determine how many times this crime is committed and how it is being committed. It does over 43,000 personal household interviews twice a year. They rotate new houses every couple of years to make sure that it remains as accurate as possible. It also estimates crimes that have been reported and those that have not been reported. It also summarizes the reasons that individuals give for reporting or not reporting the crime. These programs share many similarities and differences. The similarities that they have are that they both measure crimes. The way that they measure crimes are very different from one another. But they both hope to achieve the same things. How they differ the most is in what they do. The UCR is designed to gather information and determine the statistics of the crimes reported by the law enforcement officers. The NCVS was designed to provide information about crimes that used to be unavailable. Also the two crime programs are different in other ways a well. One may judge crime by the size of the household, why the other judge’s crime by the number of crimes divided by so many people in that area. So as you can see even though they are out to achieve the same thing they just do it in different ways. It is hard to tell if the public’s perception of crime has changed over time. American’s perception of crime may be influenced by their assessments of how things are going in the country today. They also perceive it to be on how the country is economically. If America has a higher amount of jobs the crime rate may go down. When jobs are low and there is no work the crime rate may go up. Looking at the amount of crimes committed each year can also determine the public’s perception from one year to another. If they see more crimes in the last two years then they did in the previous years they are going to see that crime is on the high. I think that the future of crime depends on the economy. It also depends on how much crime is reported, and how people relate the experience of their crimes. If crimes are not being reported it is hard to figure out what types of crimes are being committed. It is hard for me to predict the future of crime because each criminal and each crime is different. If there were more people in America that would work as a whole to keep their community as safe as possible, I don’t think that crime would be big in that particular community. Also there are crimes today that are being committed due to lack of jobs. Most people will do what they have to, to make sure that their families are being taken care. A lot of problems today in my opinion depend on job security. If more people could have jobs then I don’t think that there would be as many crimes being committed. The American crime rate in my opinion just depends on the economy and the people in the economy. If you want to make a difference you will. If you don’t then you will be part of the problem not the solution.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The massive retirement
The massive retirement Introduction The massive retirement and the increasing trend towards earlier retirement have been the most two striking worldwide phenomena. The average age for a person to retire is still declining despite the rising life expectancy (Bound, 2007).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The massive retirement specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More For example, the average retirement age for men in US has declined from 68.5 to 62.6 in the last five decades; and the women age for retirement declined from 67.9 to 62.5 years. The average age retirement was 61 years in Canada and China 51.2 years by 2000 (Gendell, 2001). Voluntary early retirement is granted to individuals only with the approval of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM); it is under the federal law and agencies. This option is provided by the OPM with the aim of assisting agencies to restructure their work force. There are laid down requirements for one to qualify f or voluntary early retirement. For example, for those employees covered under CSRS, one is required to be at least 50 years with 20 years of federal service, or at any age for those who have attained 25 years of federal service. The increasing numbers of people retiring at earlier ages are making the health insurance and the social security systems to get worried. Research shows that US social security system is likely to pay out much money in benefits than it collects from payroll taxes by 2018. In other countries such as China, the security system will not be sustainable unless the mandatory retirement age is increased. Whether the increase in early retirement is socially or individually beneficial, it has an impact on health outcomes (Boldrin, Dolado, Jimeno Perrachi, 1999). Reasons for Early Retirement Researches carried out by various groups point out too much generosity by the social security as the major reason behind early retirement. Studies indicate that these generous be nefits have resulted to intensive early retirements. They argue that the benefits and the contributions are high (Chong Jung, 2009).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Technological progress is another cause identified for early retirement. The introduction of new goods, machines and production methods elude the need for human capital. Technological advances have made it possible for some human labor to be effectively replaced. Employees who are replaced by technology are relocated to other tasks they may not like and thus they may end up retiring early. Other reasons identified by the researchers include fears by the employers that the elderly employees might develop reduced productivity through their decreased interest with their work and inability to advance their skills. Others believe that poor relationship with co workers results to early retirement. More so, e mployees whose services are no longer required by the industry may opt for early retirement. It has also been shown that those who have lower education backgrounds are more likely to ask for early retirement; researchers have argued that people with lower education backgrounds are reluctant to advance their skills through further learning and thus this lowers their productivity and make them less willing to work (Ahituv Zeira, 2001). Various reforms have been undertaken by the pension scheme to reduce the rate of early retirement. These include penalties awarded for every early retirement applied for and awarding of more credits to those who delay in retiring. Other reasons connected to early retirement are wages. Studies indicate that, the less the salary one earns, the more the likelihood of that person retiring early. However, there is a contrasting effect for those who are partially employed. Existing research has also identified health as a cause for early retirement (Chong J ung, 2009). Benefits for Early Retirement Early retirement is described to be beneficial for economic growth by various researches. Arguably, some of the studies show that it gives rooms for firms to organize their work force through the removal of the least productive employees from the work force by giving them early retirement and replacing them with productive workers.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The massive retirement specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Productivity is described as one of the major drivers for economic health. The retiring individuals can establish their own businesses from the benefits they get (Sala-I- Martin, 1996). Early retirement is beneficial because it allows one a permanent leave from work. It is common to find some people regaining their health after retirement; this happens for the case where the working conditions are challenging. Some people become susceptible and weak hence the n eed for early retirement. The second benefit of early retirement is the financial benefits an individual gains. In accordance to the old time saying, â€Å"time is money†, many young men opt for an early retirement so that they establish their own businesses. This puts them at a position to excel through their efforts and determination. Early retirement can also be due to other reasons such the need to have ample time with loved ones. This is so especially for incidences where loved ones are sick and need more attention; for example, a spouse with chronic illness or those who are disabled and need special attention. Early retirement also places one at a position to start a new career that he/she might have been cherishing for a long time (Weltman, 2008). Disadvantage of Early Retirement Retirement has been shown to have adverse effects on people’s health. This is attributed to the sudden transformation in an individual’s lifestyle such as loss of career identity , lack of social attachment and loss of the sense of value for their role in the society. While for some, job-related activities might have been the only forms of physical activity that they were active in. However, early retirement can be good for health. Supporting evidence includes the freedom one attains from work stress and thus leaving sufficient time for the individual to participate in other healthy activities (Chong Jung, 2009). Individuals’ early retirement means that their benefits are deducted by the social security. The deduction is done at a certain percent for each month before they attain the retirement age. This is done to encourage people to abide to the social security general rule, that is, social security benefits should total the same amount to an individual’s life time benefit. The benefits are paid in smaller amounts.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The major disadvantage is that individuals’ benefits are permanently reduced. This implies that the individuals will be required to manage their expenses well including all aspects of life such as housing expenses, family budget and credit card charges. This implies that they have to change their life styles abruptly (Bratberg et al., 2004). Schneider (1998) described the current generation as workaholics. This implies that when work is taken away from them, they suffer physical and mental health. More so, many people have the perception of early retirement as a loss of work. This may imply the loss of their role as the bread winner of their families. This might make them suffer a condition referred to as â€Å"severe gender strain†. This can affect most of the family to a point of ending strong marriages. Other effects include the downsizing and the discrimination from the society. This may lead to a reduction of social contacts. Others may not stand the degree of lon eliness and isolation (Glicken, 2010). Research by Zedlewski and Butrica showed that individuals who volunteered or had full-time work had improved health, reduced risk of developing chronic illness and emotional difficulties such as depression than those who retired early. Arguably, those who had earlier retirement had an increased probability of developing illness and developing psychological difficulties (Glicken, 2010). Conclusion Early retirement is viewed as a double edged sword. Individuals are encouraged to evaluate their way of living. Therefore, before reaching into a decision of getting an early retirement, it is important for one to think about his or her life without working, the effects on the relationship with other employers and how they intend to spend their free time and lastly, how they intend to live without regular income. This paper concludes that early retirement is not a better option. More so, having something to do after the retirement benefits individuals and enhances their peace of mind, thus keeping them healthier by engaging them physically and emotionally to their surroundings. Early retirement, therefore, ought to be given much consideration; all the benefits and losses likely to be incurred should be taken into consideration and if possible advice should be sought from experts in order to avoid committing a big mistake. References Ahituv, A., Zeira, J. (2001). Technical progress and early recruitment. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Web. Boldrin, M., Donlado, J., Jimeno, J., Perrachi, F. (1999). The future of pension in Europe. Economic Policy, 29(1), 289-320. Bound, J., Waidmann, T. (2007). Estimating the health effects of retirement. Michigan Retirement research Center Research paper; University of Michigan. Web. Bratberg et al. (2004). Assessing the effects of an early retirement program. Journal of population Economics, 1(1), 1. Chong, B., Jung, J. (2009). The cause of early retirement: social security generosity or population aging. APEA Conference 2009 (June 28, 2009). Web. Gendell, M. (2001). Retirement age declines again in 1990s. Monthly Labor Review, 12(1), 21. Glicken, M. (2010). Retirement for workaholics: life after work in a downsized economy. New York, NY: ABC-Clio. Weltman, B. (2008). Guide for tough times: tax and financial solutions to see through. New Jersey, NJ: John Wiley and Sons. Sala-I- Martin, X. (1996). A positive theory of social security. Journal of Economic Growth, 1(1), 277-304.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Free Essays on Escape From Alcatraz
Alcatraz Island sits in the middle of San Francisco Bay. Most people think of the prisoners, its history before it became a prison, and even a few movies. One of those movies had been based on a true story. Escape from Alcatraz was a movie that told the story of Frank Morris and the Anglin Brothers, the only people who ever â€Å"made it†off the island. But did they ever make it to the mainland? Frank Morris was considered to be very brilliant. If anyone could get out of an â€Å"inescapable prison,†it would be him. Morris was shipped from one foster home to another when he was an infant, clear into his teenage years. He was convicted of his first crime when he was only thirteen. By the time he was in his late teens, his record ranged from narcotics possession, to armed robbery. He was sent to Alcatraz because of his â€Å"shotgun freedom†escape attempts. John and Clarence Anglin were brothers that were convicted for bank robbery in Georgia. In the Atlanta federal penitentiary they became acquainted with Morris, and were sent to Alcatraz for escape attempts similar to those of Morris. But a sentence in Alcatraz still wasn’t enough for Morris, and he let it rub off on the Anglin brothers. Allan West was another prison inmate that was in on the plan. He was very arrogant, and later took credit for the plan. He was serving his second term on the rock. In December of 1961, the plan started to take shape. The brothers were slowly sneaking hair from the barbershop in the prison, and hiding it in their cells. Morris would spend most of the nights chipping away at the air vent in his cell, and by May of ’62, all three had dug through the six-by-nine-inch holes. The Anglin’s cells were next to each other, and so were West’s and Morris’s. The inmates took different shifts with one working, and one as a look out. They started at 5:30 p.m. and continued on until 9:00 p.m. John and Clarence started making dummy heads, and even na... Free Essays on Escape From Alcatraz Free Essays on Escape From Alcatraz Alcatraz Island sits in the middle of San Francisco Bay. Most people think of the prisoners, its history before it became a prison, and even a few movies. One of those movies had been based on a true story. Escape from Alcatraz was a movie that told the story of Frank Morris and the Anglin Brothers, the only people who ever â€Å"made it†off the island. But did they ever make it to the mainland? Frank Morris was considered to be very brilliant. If anyone could get out of an â€Å"inescapable prison,†it would be him. Morris was shipped from one foster home to another when he was an infant, clear into his teenage years. He was convicted of his first crime when he was only thirteen. By the time he was in his late teens, his record ranged from narcotics possession, to armed robbery. He was sent to Alcatraz because of his â€Å"shotgun freedom†escape attempts. John and Clarence Anglin were brothers that were convicted for bank robbery in Georgia. In the Atlanta federal penitentiary they became acquainted with Morris, and were sent to Alcatraz for escape attempts similar to those of Morris. But a sentence in Alcatraz still wasn’t enough for Morris, and he let it rub off on the Anglin brothers. Allan West was another prison inmate that was in on the plan. He was very arrogant, and later took credit for the plan. He was serving his second term on the rock. In December of 1961, the plan started to take shape. The brothers were slowly sneaking hair from the barbershop in the prison, and hiding it in their cells. Morris would spend most of the nights chipping away at the air vent in his cell, and by May of ’62, all three had dug through the six-by-nine-inch holes. The Anglin’s cells were next to each other, and so were West’s and Morris’s. The inmates took different shifts with one working, and one as a look out. They started at 5:30 p.m. and continued on until 9:00 p.m. John and Clarence started making dummy heads, and even na...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Colorful Words from Latin
Colorful Words from Latin Colorful Words from Latin Colorful Words from Latin By Maeve Maddox Among the many Latin words that inform the English vocabulary are several that derive from Roman words for colors. 1. White Latin albus gives us: alb (noun): a white vestment reaching the feet and enveloping the entire body, worn by clergy, servers, and others taking part in church services. album (noun): a bound or loose-leaf book usually with mostly blank pages. The Romans also had the word album: a blank tablet on which the Pontifex Maximus registered the principal events of the year. The Germans were the first to adopt the word album to refer to an autograph book or scrapbook to keep souvenirs in. Youngsters used to digital music albums may not know that the original â€Å"record albums†resembled books with pages. (Do I need to define that other strange concept, â€Å"book with pages†?) albumin (noun): a member of a class of simple globular proteins that are soluble in water. Albumin (also albumen) means â€Å"egg white.†2. Yellow Latin aureus denoted a golden yellow; croceus was a saffron yellow. These colors give us: crocus (noun): a small spring flower grown from a bulb. Crocuses come in yellow, purple, and white; the flower takes its name from the yellow ones. aureole (noun): the gold disc that surrounds the head of a saint in a painting. By extension, an aureole can be any kind of radiating light surrounding something. In astronomy, the light that peeks out at the edges of the sun during an eclipse is an aureole. 3. Green The word for green, viridis, gives us: verdigris (noun): a green or greenish blue poisonous pigment obtained by the action of acetic acid on copper and used chiefly in antifouling paints and formerly in medicine. verdant (adjective): green with growing plants. Lush lawns are often referred to as verdant. 4. Black Two words for black, niger, â€Å"black or very dark brown†and coracinus, â€Å"raven black,†give us: Negro (noun): A member of a dark-skinned group of peoples originally native to sub-Saharan Africa. negroid (adjective): of, resembling, or related to the Negro race. corbin (noun): obsolete word for a raven. corbie (noun): A word for raven or crow in Scots dialect. You may know the word from having read the ballad â€Å"The Twa Corbies†in which two carrion crows discuss dining on a fallen knight. corbel (noun): a structural piece of stone, wood or metal jutting from a wall to carry weight. It’s a kind of bracket. Its relation to the Latin word for black is tenuous. Corbel from Latin corbellus, which is a diminutive for corvus, â€Å"raven.†The architectural feature gets its name from the â€Å"beak-like appearance of the structure.†What about red? Latin had so many words for red, and English has so many words derived from them, that I shall save red for a post of its own. Related posts: Colorful words from the Greek Take Care with ‘Album’ Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:10 Grammar Mistakes You Should Avoid60 Synonyms for â€Å"Trip†Treatment of Words That Include â€Å"Selfâ€
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Themes in Forensic Science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Themes in Forensic Science - Essay Example It also refers to the fact that potential criminals are finding ways to avoid detection or to get away with their crimes by watching the show. With these considerations, it is apt to say that CSI has had a major impact on forensic science. This paper shall discuss such impacts based on input from criminologists and forensic scientists. This discussion is being undertaken in the hope of coming up with a clear and comprehensive discussion on the current subject matter and its long-term implications in the forensic practice. In understanding the impact of CSI on forensic science, the discussion goes deeper into the so-called CSI-effect. In the immediate years following the launch of the television show, forensic science courses and careers gained much popularity in the academe (Lee, 2007, p. 22). Judging from the increase in the number of university applicants to forensic courses, the show was able to draw in university applicants to try out for careers in these fields of practice. However, these applicants may have been misinformed by the television show – implying that the roles of CSIs to be much more than they actually are in the real world (Lee, 2007, p. 22). For one, the fact that most of the CSIs seem to play various roles on set – as forensic processor, suspect interrogator, or as police detectives – are already inaccurate depictions of crime scene investigators. In actuality, CSIs do not process forensics, nor do they interrogate suspects or run after suspects with guns dra wn (Lee, 2007, p. 22). In effect, CSI has drawn in forensic science enthusiasts based on an inaccurate picture of the actual workings of CSI work. People have been drawn to it based on their romantic and even gallant or heroic ideals about the type of work involved in being a CSI. But this picture of the CSI in the actual practice is not all true. CSI also has had an impact on juries. Many of these juries seem to expect and even demand that the
Friday, October 18, 2019
Is it still possible to embrace local identity in the face of Essay
Is it still possible to embrace local identity in the face of globalization - Essay Example Media and internet has brought the world to the corner of your drawing room. It has erased the boundaries of all countries in a wide sense of the term. Through the process of globalization, the world is becoming a global village, irrespective of physical borders and boundaries. There is nothing â€Å"local†rather everything is turning out to be as â€Å"glocal†. At the same time, this is also true to embrace certain qualities for very local. New technology and new concepts have brought revolution in terms of holding the term for future. Something unique from the past decade, which are about to extinct can be sustained with new equipment. Such heritages can be immortalized with the help of new technology and concepts. Some â€Å"glocal†effect can be there once they have the touch of new innovation. But there will be no effect in its local identity. In fact, localized version can get immortality through the hands of globalization. Let’s try to explore the possibilities of sustaining local identity in the face of globalization. Basics of Architecture Architecture-the art or may be called the science of designing physical constructions, may be buildings and other several structures. It is not just putting some bricks one upon other but the job of an architect incorporates rendering services from a very professional perspective in designing and constructing a building, or may be some extension of the construction that can be used for human occupancy purpose. An architect can describe or â€Å"read†any construction in the most methodical way. A study of architecture includes style, method of design and constructional details of a building or may be some other physical structures. Designing a building means everything from micro to macro level. This is both the process and designing plan incorporating all structural, technical, social and aesthetic considerations. In wider definition, it also gives creative level of manipulation a nd a brilliant coordination between light, shadow, material and technology. Any type of work of art is a piece of architecture. Even remaining extinct architectural constructions are one of the perfect sources to draw history. They exist with all nostalgia of past decades. Any piece of good architecture must continue with three basics, durability, utility and beauty. Cost effectiveness is another term mostly related in the theory of architecture in recent era. Any architectural design has some influence of political, social and religious conditions. The process of designing a construction then can be recognized as problem solving one (Ching, F., 2007). A simple study of ancient architectural constructions can show some specific examples of such influences in the construction. Even Egyptian architecture bears proved testimony of divine and supernatural influence. Many constructions show influence of political power in a very prominently. Emperor of different decade in various regions took initiative to build certain forms so that generations can remember their power. Almost all the famous architectural constructions on this planet have some such kind of nostalgia. Architecture is a fusion of beauty in terms of proportion and ornamentation. Definitely, it is a form of art but its root lies in the need and means of mankind. Through the passage of time, human need and desires have changing and accordingly, the form of architecture also changes. It falls under the tag
What was the ultimate importance of the Sino-Soviet split in the Essay
What was the ultimate importance of the Sino-Soviet split in the context of the broader Cold War . . . How may the Cold War have played out had this split not occurred - Essay Example t can be posited that had the split not occurred, the Cold War could have gone on for much longer, as the two big socialist countries could have presented a united front against their counterpart democratic, free-capitalist countries like the United States of America, Great Britain, France, and all the other countries belonging to the free world. Some historians assert the real cause of the split was the transfer of nuclear technology (Khoo 19) as Russia feared a nuclear-armed China, unsure what China will do with such a capability. The ultimate importance, significance, and also benefit of the split was an earlier end to the proxy wars between the communist and democratic countries, made the world probably a safer place as it allowed the two sides to reduce their nuclear arsenals. The split could have contributed to the bankruptcy and eventual collapse of the Soviet Union while it also allowed China to pursue another ideological alternative when it concerns its economic policies, which is now capitalist and enabled China to become an economic superpower itself. China is now the worlds second-largest economy with the biggest foreign currency reserves. If the split did not happen, the world could be still in Cold War uncertainties. The split made for a warmer and improved relationship between China and America possible (Arnold & Wiener
PHIL-COIS- Cyberethics Eassy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
PHIL-COIS- Cyberethics Eassy - Essay Example Cyber bullying is increasing and resulting dangerous outcomes, which is becoming a serious threat in the community. Cyber bullying needs serious concerns for both online community and regulation to overcome this cyber crime. Possible solution of prevention from cyber bullying will be also discussed. The safer legal and disciplined use of the internet is the basic understanding of Cyber-Ethics (Cyberethics, 2011). Ethics have some standard rules and principles that are followed by humans. Same standards are followed in cyber activities. The way in which one can behave on the internet comes under cyber ethics. It involves the legal concerns as well, like following the law during internet usage. In digital media, the moral norms and duties should be followed and this comes under the definition of cyber ethics. The ethics that are needful for the internet environment comes under the definition of cyber-ethics. Another name of cyber ethics is computer ethics or internet ethic and all that comes under the spectrum of cyber-ethics. The alone computer user have own personal ethics while interacting with a system, when a same user becomes the internet user more principles involved under ethics and as a whole the user should follow the ethical norms (Tavani, 2006). The reason why one should concern about cyber ethics is to use the internet in a safe manner. The cyber-ethics are equally important as other areas (Pelgrin, 2011). Facebook and MySpace as social networking websites are so popular that these sites are difficult to control. Serious problem of cyber bullying has aroused. Girls commit suicide when their parents had taunted them on identifying their children’s identity. Description of cyber-ethics is explained in many categories regarding cyber-ethics. Some ethical values are common throughout the universe and same actions are applied in everywhere in the world, for example theft, murder, and assault. Same legal and
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Business Project Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 2
Business Project Management - Essay Example The multibillion-dollar contract for sealing the border is called Secure Border Initiative Net (SBInet). In a nutshell this project will be centered on the Nogales, Texas to monitor and control about 6000 miles stretch of the border with Canada and Mexico. Boeing Company will be awarded this contract. It has a history in military contracts and weapon systems. Boeings Integrated Defense Systems Unit will be the main dealing unit. The reason for choosing Boeing is their experience in listening devices, motion sensors, cameras, monitoring tower and overall security system. The major constraint is the sheer stretch of the border. It is a common idea that the interdependent time related activities must be performed and completed within the given time limits (Gutjahr, Strauss & Wagner, 2000). It is not a small project in terms of cost, time and manpower required to properly seal and monitor the border. The biggest constraint is to get the approval of the Senate and the public to fund a multibillion dollar project. Narrative building is mandatory. The government needs to convince and win the sympathies of the people and the politicians to get the taxpayers’ money to fund such a project. The alternative analysis reveals that the situation on the border can be improved through indirect means. The Mexican border is notorious for providing sneaky passage for illegal immigrants. If the economic and security situation in Mexico improves, people would not be risking their lives to cross into the United States. But from the perspective of the U.S. this is almost impossible to achieve. The United States does not dictate the Mexican Government. The U.S. can only suggest improvements. The only option is to secure the border. Either the U.S. can build up fences and seal it shut or it can deploy so much manpower that they stop any illegal immigrant or drug smuggler that tries to sneak into the US soil. They
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Research Methods Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Research Methods - Assignment Example Theory building is relatively more complex that theory testing. In theory testing, a researcher primarily tests whether a certain theory explains a phenomenon that he or she is investigating (Christensen, Johnson & Turner, 2011). For instance, a researcher studying the cause of global warming may consider testing the Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) theory. The rationale behind testing such a theory is to uncover whether the AGW theory best explains global warming. Therefore, the researcher may test the theory by looking at the humidity levels resulting from the emission of carbon dioxide. Theory testing aims at collecting evidence to either confirm or contest a theory. In theory building, the researcher synthesis literature content related to his or her interested topic of study in an attempt to explain a given phenomenon. For instance, a researcher studying the concept of global warming may consider the analysis of all theories related to global warming including the AGW theory ( Polkinghorne, 2005). The usage of data in testing already constructed hypotheses and theories is advantageous since the analysis that shall be done is meant to confirm or dispute the given theories and hypotheses. On the downside, this statistical method is prone to the aligning of new information to old findings and may thus eliminate other findings not taken care of by the theory or hypothesis in question (Leedy & Ormrod, 2010). On the other hand, the usage of data in generating hypotheses and building theories has its advantages among them the completeness and depth of analysis and drawing of conclusions (Johnson & Onwuegbuzie, 2004). This is due to the fact that there are no biases the researcher is exposed to (Polkinghorne, 2005). The disadvantage is that the conclusions are exposed to many untested results. The first rationale for employing the
Business Project Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 2
Business Project Management - Essay Example The multibillion-dollar contract for sealing the border is called Secure Border Initiative Net (SBInet). In a nutshell this project will be centered on the Nogales, Texas to monitor and control about 6000 miles stretch of the border with Canada and Mexico. Boeing Company will be awarded this contract. It has a history in military contracts and weapon systems. Boeings Integrated Defense Systems Unit will be the main dealing unit. The reason for choosing Boeing is their experience in listening devices, motion sensors, cameras, monitoring tower and overall security system. The major constraint is the sheer stretch of the border. It is a common idea that the interdependent time related activities must be performed and completed within the given time limits (Gutjahr, Strauss & Wagner, 2000). It is not a small project in terms of cost, time and manpower required to properly seal and monitor the border. The biggest constraint is to get the approval of the Senate and the public to fund a multibillion dollar project. Narrative building is mandatory. The government needs to convince and win the sympathies of the people and the politicians to get the taxpayers’ money to fund such a project. The alternative analysis reveals that the situation on the border can be improved through indirect means. The Mexican border is notorious for providing sneaky passage for illegal immigrants. If the economic and security situation in Mexico improves, people would not be risking their lives to cross into the United States. But from the perspective of the U.S. this is almost impossible to achieve. The United States does not dictate the Mexican Government. The U.S. can only suggest improvements. The only option is to secure the border. Either the U.S. can build up fences and seal it shut or it can deploy so much manpower that they stop any illegal immigrant or drug smuggler that tries to sneak into the US soil. They
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Effects of Agriculture Essay Example for Free
Effects of Agriculture Essay The evolution of man through agriculture was expressed thoroughly by Jared Diamond in his article. The transition from a Neolithic way of living to a Paleolithic way of life had many negative effects. Having people settling down to build organized cities and companies meant there would be social inequalities. Women were usually the first targets to social inequality. Having people stay in one area and having them live together in villages created the uprising of epidemic diseases that created a widespread of death in communities. During this time growing their own food did not ensure that they would eat. Farmers that had failing crops would lead to starvation for their families. The change from nomads to farmers and agriculturists was not filled with full prosperity. Social inequalities created the basis for the organization of social classes and positions in every society. Women were the first group to experience social inequality. Women being weaker than men were always subject to doing less rigorous but more labor. While a man would be hunting for game, a woman’s responsibility would be to gather small vegetables and fruit if the man returns with no meat. A woman was expected to clean, nurture the small children, prepare a meal and in most cases hold a baby in her womb. Paleolithic lifestyle from the eyes of a woman suggests that a woman was not entirely pleased with the life she lived. A woman was forced into marriage with unknown knowledge of the man before. A woman craved loved but sometimes didn’t feel it in the relationships she was in. Woman were also forced to stay at home which limited the knowledge a woman can have given that she can’t even go outside. Social Inequality limits the progress of a society and women were a prime example. Epidemic diseases not only killed thousands of people and made populations decreased greatly, but also imbedded the fear of death into the minds of many people. And epidemic disease is a widespread of disease that’s transmitted from person to person. This epidemic will not stop until a vaccine is created. An example was the Black Death that plagued European countries from 1348 to 1350. Another example would be smallpox that devastated many countries and civilizations including Ancient Egypt and countries in Europe. After the Neolithic time period and the rise of agriculture, there was also a rise in epidemic disease. Having people live together in unsanitary areas quickly made people vulnerable to bacteria and other viruses. Having no knowledge of this, people of that time period would spread the bacteria to one another through physical contact which would get each other sick. Having large villages would result in a large percentage of people dying because they aren’t moving due to the end of their nomadic life, and are in one place. Also, having an overpopulated area would create a faster way for an entire civilization to perish. Epidemics in the Paleolithic time period contributed to the first mass deaths during that time period. Having to stop moving around and becoming farmers was a very helpful thing to many peoples’ lives, but that didn’t necessarily mean they had something to eat all the time. Farmers worked very hard on their plantations to ensure they had enough food for the next harvest and enough food to survive the harsh winter to come. The harvest would be successful and could also be the reason why entire families would die. A plantation would fail and lead to starvation for most families due to many environmental reasons. Droughts would occur to limit the water supply of crops. Starting to grow plants during the wrong season would definitely ensure a failing plantation. Insects and animals would destroy the hard work of these farmers by eating what the crops have produced, or just destroying it all together. Animals such as raccoons, wolves, or coyotes would see these plantations as an easy access to food and destroy a season’s hard work. Insects such as locusts would devour all in its path and the crops were an easy target for a large group of locusts. The life of a Paleolithic farmer could be prosperous but could be very harsh at times. There are many things that could contribute to the failure of a person that is living a life of agriculture from the Paleolithic time period. There were many limiting factors to making this an unsuccessful way to live, but social inequality, epidemic diseases, and failing crops that led to starvation stood out the most. It was harsh to live a very open life when being a woman subject to social inequality during this time. Living a filthy unsanitary lifestyle would lead to the death and the rise of epidemics to occur in many civilizations. The failing of a farmer’s crops could destroy his life for that season and ruin his family with just one thing to happen to his plantation. The effects of agriculture had not only a positive alternative of living but a heavy, negative, and devastating effect in the life of farmers of the Paleolithic time period.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Managing Change In The Workplace Management Essay
Managing Change In The Workplace Management Essay High performance workplaces are by nature vibrant. Organisations that want to survive as well as to flourish are innovative, plus effective change management is a requisite skill across all workplaces. Novel technology, novel systems, company mergers in addition to the impact of global trade mean that workplace change is a feature of all of our work lives. Winning employees commitment to innovation and change in the workplace is the key challenge for contemporary management. (Mullins, 2006) Workplace changes are introduced for many reasons. A number of these reasons will be obvious to everyone in the workplace as well as some less so. Cost saving, quality improvement, increased management control, increased employee empowerment, introduction of novel technology, service expansion and improvements to health in addition to safety are some of the goals that may be sought through workplace change. The impact of any change depends a great deal on how it is implemented. (Mullins, 2006) Change processes usually include four phases planning, consultation, implementation and monitoring/evaluation. Each phase takes time, as well as while it is important to reach the outcome, not putting the maximum effort into any of these phases may result in problems impacting on the outcome for a very long time. (Mullins, 2006) An understanding of culture in organisations can offer insights into individual and group behaviour, in addition to leadership. It can help to explain not just what happens in an organisation, however why it happens. (Mullins, 2006) However, many people are concerned not just by means of understanding culture, as well as hence organisational life. They see culture as something to be influenced to achieve organisational goals of productivity, profitability, and success in core business. They want to manage culture. (OConnor, 1997) High performance organisations are successful for the reason that they adapt and move by means of the changing times. They know that the most important thing in preparing for change and in implementing novel arrangements is ensuring they involve their key resource their employees. Effectively involving employees through consultation as well as participation at the outset in any change management process is vital to ongoing workplace productivity in addition to efficiency. (OConnor, 1997) Can culture be managed? Optimists believe culture can be managed; pessimists deny that it can be, according to (Mullins, 2006). They claim that optimists are often business oriented people, who optimistically see the culture of an organisation as being unified and unitary. On the other hand, pessimists are often academically or theoretically oriented, as well as more interested in explanations than practical utility. (Mullins, 2006) Realists, however, can see both sides of the debate. They are frequently interested in exploring culture change and are ready to admit some sway à ´Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã†â€™ if not control à ´Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã†â€™ of culture. Can culture be changed? One of the major ways that managers believe they can manage culture is by changing it. They can use one of the guides that are available, that suggest how to form, transmit or change culture, such as that by (Mullins, 2006). However, just for the reason that peoples behaviours have changed in a number of measurable way, it does not mean the organisational culture has changed à ´Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã†â€™ although behaviour change may be all that managers are interested in. (Mullins, 2006) Difficulties in managing culture Management of culture is hard if there is no agreement on what culture is in addition to culture can be viewed in an enormous variety of ways. The complexity of culture can lead organisations to attempt „quick fixes ° that are superficial. Value-laden judgements on what is the right culture for organisations, devoid of taking into account the unique environments in which they exist, can also make success hard for managers. What are the ethics of trying to manage culture? (Proctor, 2002) poses organisations by means of ethical questions they could ask before attempting to manage à ´Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã†â€™ or change à ´Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã†â€™ culture to influence organisational capability: What are the moral and ethical implications of trying to alter such things as feelings, beliefs, values as well as attitudes? Is culture the prerogative of management furthermore does management having the right to try to control or change it? What does culture change do to the quality of life for people in organisations? What costs to individuality result as of encouraging people to devote themselves to the values and products of the organisation, and then asking them to assess their own worth in these terms? (Proctor, 2002) What tools can one use to manage culture? Tools for managing culture comprise: 1. Management systems 2. Organisation models 3. Strategies. A number of these have been influential for a time, and have then been replaced or extended by novel ideas. They can frequently be seen as trends as well as fashions à ´Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã†â€™ a number of enduring in addition to some not. (Proctor, 2002) 1. Management systems A number of management systems used by managers attempting to manage organisational culture include: Organisational growth (OD): This is a management system of slow, planned change. It is slackly shaped around organisational culture, emphasising how participation, teamwork in addition to problem solving can assist an organisation survives environmental challenges. It is still being used; however its effectiveness is being challenged. (Proctor, 2002) Total Quality Management (TQM): This is a management system used to increase an organisations productivity and quality by focusing on people making continuous incremental development inside existing cultures. A number of see it, however, simply as a control system which produces as well as enforces uniformity, devoid of an understanding of existing organisational culture and the possibility of sub-cultures. (Proctor, 2002) Business Process Re-engineering (BPR): This is a management system of forced, speedy culture change. Where TQM builds a culture that supports improvement, BPR is a result of frustration over the time it takes to do this. Organisation models: A number of organisation models used by managers attempting to manage organisational culture include: Sustainable organisations: The sustainable organisation demands a radical change in thinking regarding culture, transforming the organisation as of being part of the problem to being part of the solution. It is concerned by means of increasing productivity in the long-term in order to survive. Its managers aim to build human capabilities that create continuing innovation as well as high performance. It challenges the dominant economic paradigm and involves broader interests than just shareholders, such as the community in general, the biosphere in addition to future generations (Senge, 1994). Innovative enterprises: This model is similar to that of the sustainable organisation; however its managers attempt to institutionalise innovation to give the market edge. They aim to make innovation ordinary and frequent good practice. This model is useful for those who want to build an organisational culture in which innovation flows naturally as of how the organisation faces its environment, structures its bureaucracy, leads itself, and manages its internal management system. (Senge, 1994) Learning organisations: This is not a one-size-fits-all model. The learning organisation continually expands its abilities to shape its own future, influenced by specific elements of organisational culture, which determine, for example, whether the organisation learns as of mistakes or ignores them, sees opportunities or threats, as well as is pro-active or reactive in its strategies. Such organisations try to make a working reality of such attributes as flexibility, team work, continuous learning in addition to employee participation and growth. (Rosenhead, 1989) High performing organisations: In this British model, managers focus on people and their learning, and the growth of trust, personal responsibility as well as leadership. Supporting elements such as structure, strategy, systems, procedures in addition to resources are seen as useful only in empowering people and enabling them to achieve the full measure of their abilities. (Senge, 1990) Strategies: Strategies used to manage culture include: Strategic alliances: These are cooperative efforts on specific ventures and joint projects, which demand an understanding of each partners culture. Knowledge management: This is a strategy of transmitting culture by making use of novel technology in information systems, as well as by reinforcing the value of people in addition to their contributions to organisations. Knowledge management can encourage organisations to be learning organisations which are open to change. (Proctor, 2002) Flexible learning, which includes e-learning, is regarding the learner deciding what, where, when and how they learned. Flexible learning therefore offers a client-centred and workplace-centred focus for an organisation. Flexible learning practices have had a wide impact on many determinants of organisational culture: learners; teachers, their job designs, work, safety in addition to professional growth; human resources practices; organisational management; as well as technological resources. (Pedler, 1992)
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Early Christianity Essay -- History Religion Jesus Christ
The earliest recorded text teaching Christianity has its roots buried deep within Judaism. The birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, as the Messiah, created a new ideology of worship. The Messiah is the savior for all people and of all sins. Paul carried the message of the Messiah to the Gentiles. His missionary journeys and establishment of churches enabled the spreading of the message throughout the Roman Empire. Christianity grew in acceptance; those that believed in the Messiah separated and began to worship on their own. This marked the beginning of the split of Judaism and Christianity. Christianity experienced many pitfalls along the path to fulfillment. As in history, today we find ourselves learning Christ’s lessons all over again. The earliest Christian worshipers endured many hardships not experienced by society today. These differences in science, technology, and lack of practicing our beliefs have caused a rift between early Christianity and Christianity today. Christianity borrows many aspects from Judaism. The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures were used in the early teachings, however the Christian believers interpreted the scriptures in a different manner. This interpretation leads to a fundamental shift in ideology between Jews and Christians. In addition to scripture, Christianity adopted many worship rituals practiced within the Jewish synagogue; such as prayers, baptisms, and communion. Christianity of today still practices these sacred ritu...
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Human Trafficking Essay -- Ethical Issues, Gang, Mafia
"An ounce of cocaine, wholesale: $1 ,200. You can sell it only once. A woman or child is $50 to $1,000 but you can sell her each day, every day, over and over and over again. The markup is immeasurable." (Human Trafficking) says David Sutherland who plays Bill Meechan an ICE agent in Lifetime's movie Human Trafficking. The buying and selling of humans is an age old issue that has dated as far back as 1750 B.C. Although slavery is illegal in the United States, we still see it happening in our own towns and cities all through America. Each year there are over 20,000 woman and children illegally imported across the United States borders for domestic and sex slavery. Laws, some new, and many that have been around for hundreds of years, have been passed and approved by congress to protect our natural rights. In order to alleviate instances of human trafficking and sex slavery, society as a whole must demand that government be harsher, more diplomatic and aggressive to fight this "special evil" (Landesman 1), as President Bush referred to it. There needs to be more money in the hands of immigration and naturalization to control our borders better, and more government funding in education to raise awareness of human trafficking for our own protection and for the protection of individuals Kevin Bales, President of Free the Slaves (a nonprofit organization to support the victims of human trafficking) estimates that today there are over 20,000 women and children annually trafficked across United States borders. It is said that at any given time there are an estimated 30,000-50,000 people being held in captivity in the United States (Landesman 4). The women and children that are bound into this sick and tw... ...nd children trafficked across the world. At any given time there are over 30,000 victims of this "special evil". Just the amount of women stuck in captivity within the United States is more than the amount trafficked worldwide. This is an unbelievable problem socially, economically, and morally. These women are tortured, mentally and physically, daily for as long as they can last in this entrapment. Each year there is an Mease 8 -", estimated 7 billion dollars earned in shadow market. This money is used for drugs, gangs, mafia, violence, and other types of domestic slavery. AIDS and many other diseases are also spread because of this issue. There is absolutely nothing positive that could ever come from human trafficking. Together citizens and authorities of government can combat this problem with the tools of education and government funding.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Further Topics In Primary Mathematics Education Education Essay
Childs can be assessed on five facets of a subject, viz. : constructs ( 1 ) , processs ( 2 ) , processes ( problem-solving ( 3 ) , connexions ( 4 ) and communication/representation ( 5 ) ) , ( Glanfield, Bush & A ; Stenmark, 2003 ) . With mention to the Topic ‘Length ‘ as it is presented in Abacus Level 3 ( SDM p.3 – 8 ) , remark about the expected appraisal undertakings presented in the Assessment Book Level 3 ( p.60-61 ) in the visible radiation of the afore-mentioned five facets.ConceptsDefinition:â€Å" Measurement involves a comparing of an property of an point or state of affairs with a unit that has the same property. †( Van de Walle, J.A. ) Therefore, constructs are of import for the kids to assist them separate the mensurable properties of the objects.Review of the Assessment BookConcepts in the subject ‘Measurement ‘ trades with the thought of length, size and units. The kids in a twelvemonth 4 category should be able to utilize vocabu lary related to length such as: long, longer, short, shortest, tall, narrow, broad etc. They should besides hold an thought what appraisal, measuring and comparing lengths are all about by utilizing the standard units ( centimeter, m and kilometer ) . Besides, the kids should be introduced and asked to propose suited units and equipment for any peculiar measuring. The Assessment book ‘s chief constructs do fit with the course of study ‘ , but the Assessment book have missed to advert the kids ‘s acknowledgment that the longer lengths necessitate a larger unit, that is kilometer, and that the shortest lengths, require a smaller unit, that is the centimetre. Besides, the ability to step and record lengths utilizing formal units and denary units to the nearest half ex: 50cm = 3.5m. The Assessment book within its restriction of exercisings does address most of the listed constructs. Basically all the working exercisings and custodies on activities in the Assessment Boo k are a good agencies of measuring the kid ‘s impression of the measuring ‘s chief constructs. The unwritten inquiries assess the cardinal vocabulary merely like in all other activities, and assess the kids ‘s impression of ‘estimation ‘ . Exercise 1 is a good agencies of measuring whether the kid grasped the thought of comparing different lengths every bit good as usage the suited units and equipment to mensurate a peculiar object. Exercise 2 buttocks if the kids have truly savvied the relationship between different standard units, that is, from kilometer and m and m and centimeter, merely like the ‘Write the fiting measuring ‘ exercising. As the rubric ‘Match the appropriate measuring to each object provinces, here the kids are assessed on placing the suited units to fit it with the objects taken from existent life, and acknowledging that longer lengths require a larger unit ( kilometer ) and smaller lengths require a smaller unit ( centimeter ) The last exercising on the Assessment book, once more, assesses the kid ‘s ability to compare le lengths. Although the activities in the Assessment Book somehow covers the afore-mentioned mathematical constructs in measuring, there needs to be more exercisings which assess harder undertakings, constructs which kids are likely to hold on and understand by making one exercising. Concepts such as the relationship and transition of different units from kilometer to m, m to cm, and frailty versa.Review of the Text BookComing to analyse the text edition, we think that most mathematical basic constructs are all addressed. Get downing off from the text edition ‘s bold headers ‘Centimetres ‘ ( centimeter ) and ‘Metres ‘ ( m ) are thought to be a good agency of a uninterrupted unit abbreviation reminder all through the exercisings. The exercisings ‘ rubrics are really child friendly and assessment friendly. One can observe that when the kid is asked to make more than one undertaking in an exercising, the stairss are written in a separate address bubble. For case the first exercising on page 3 invites the kid to: first to happen one of each object, so gauge its length in centimetres and eventually utilize a swayer to mensurate it. This aid the kid to confront a task measure by measure and besides assist him to analyse a job spot by spot subsequently on. It ‘s besides a good agencies of assisting the instructor analyze and measure the kids ‘s failings and strengths by set uping the measure which the kids failed to carry through the measure which the kids failed to carry through, therefore it would be a good manner for the instructor to undertake the weak point straight ways. We have noticed that kids are non invited to utilize informal units and besides it would hold been a good manner to presen t measuring. Besides, sometimes in one exercising there is more than one construct tackled, which makes the exercisings harder. The first exercising on page 3 makes us inquire what the lessons ; nonsubjective really is. Is the lesson based around the appraisal of eh measuring of the existent length ‘s construct? These types of exercisings which have in them excessively many aims are likely to do confusion. This could hold been ideal as a alteration exercising instead than the first exercising of the measuring ‘s subject. Besides neither of the exercisings invite the kids to set up when to utilize standard units. All the exercisings in the text edition though screen all the constructs. The first exercising on page screens and addresses the vocabulary related to length, appraisal and measuring, whilst the other exercising focuses on taking the suited units. Besides on page 4, kids are assessed on their ability to take the suited criterion unit and into understanding the fractional units to the nearest half even it this construct is non listed in neither the course of study non the appraisal book and besides measuring whether the kids have understood the construct that longer lengths require longer units ex. kilometer. Page 5 focal points on the construct of happening the relationship between meters and centimetres ex. 3m 15cm +25cm = 3m 40cm. The remainder of the lengths exercisings assess the kids ‘s ability to work out jobs and happen the sum and the difference of two lengths.Compare and Contrast the Assessment Book with the Textbook.Having to compare and contrast the assessment book with the text edition we realized that the vocabulary related to length is absent. Besides the assessment book does non advert that one of the constructs learnt by the terminal of the subject is decimals for meters and centimetres even though at that place go on to be an exercising to ‘Write each length in meters utilizing a denary point ‘ ex. 2.48m. Adding to this, even the text edition contains exercisings which concepts chiefly are: taking suited units and utilizing fraction al units to the nearest whole. Besides, we think the text edition is more child and teacher friendly as respects to its content. Surely the text edition has got rather more pages with measurings exercisings than the assessment book, therefore scaffolded acquisition is exercised even more. Besides, kids have more chances to hold on the subject ‘s constructs through the multiple exercisings. On the other manus, the assessment book includes practical custodies on activities which help into prosecuting the kids more into the subject whilst making a richer acquisition environment and were constructs are easy understood and applied.Mentions:Chief Mention:Van de Walle, J.A ( 2007 ) Elementary and Middle School Mathematics. United States of America.Other MentionsNorthern Territor Government ( 2009 ) Mathematics Measurement Retrieved on ___________ from hypertext transfer protocol: // dures fundamentally refers to the staging of a lesson so as the kids comprehend the mathematical construct easier. Scaffolding chiefly consists of oppugning and listening both from the instructor and the kids. Group work, brace work, category treatments, and custodies on activities are ways which the instructor can use for scaffolding.Critique of Assessment book:The Assessment Book offers a assortment of processs that kids can utilize to larn measuring. Teachers can happen unwritten inquiries which can be discussed as group activity in category. This encourages the kids to portion their ain consequence and clear up any jobs. After such verbal exercisings, the Assessment Book moves on to written exercisings. Here, scaffolding is rather apparent since after the kids work together in category, they will subsequently be invited to work separately. Activity 2 of the Assessment book ( Practice Activities ) kids are besides cognitively challenged since they are asked to believe, estimation and so, step to measure themselves whether they were got it right or incorrect. However, non all activities in the Assessment Book purpose to measure processs relevant to a twelvemonth 4 degree. For case, inquiry ( figure 1 ) ‘Do you think this line is 3cms, 30cms, or 300cms long ‘ does non necessitate any peculiar thought accomplishments since here we are covering with eight twelvemonth olds. A more appropriate activity would hold been if kids were given three measurings to take from, but with closer figures, for illustrations 30cms, 4cms, and 50cms. The remainder of the inquiries ( 2, 3 and 4 ) are appropriate for the twelvemonth 4 degree. Adding to this, we think the ‘Match the appropriate measuring to each object ‘ exercising is excessively simple for kids in twelvemonth 4, although one can still use it as a mental warm up it helps kids visualize and differentiate between the two basic units of measuring ( centimeter and m ) . The ‘Write the duplicate measuring ‘ exercising is non scaffolded since it does non construct on the old exercising. It would hold been wiser if there was a tabular array or simple exercisings which help in measuring the kid ‘s apprehension of how many centimetres there are in a metre, and how many meters there are in a kilometre. Hence, this exercising would hold been more effectual if it was given as the subject ‘s alteration activity in the Assessment Book as it covers all the 3 basic measurings.Critique of Text book:The text edition offers assorted processs for kids to larn and hold on the length ‘s construct. Some exercisings invite the kids to gauge and mensurate length, happening a distance in the schoolroom to fit the length given, happening objects to mensurate, composing how many meters or centimetres and happening the difference or adding up meters and centimetres. Therefore, as it can be seen from the afore-mentioned activities, the exercisin gs involve written and verbal undertakings and besides activities where kids are provoked to utilize their thought accomplishments. Childs are foremost introduced to centimetres, so to meters and so, a combination of the two. Hence, we think that the basic units of measuring are scaffolded for the kids to larn and hold better grok the subject.Compare and Contrast the Assessment Book with the Textbook.There is a sense of process in both books as the inquiries posed to the pupils are scaffolded harmonizing to their troubles, therefore every inquiries physiques on each other. †¦ /EARCOME3_LAU_NGEE % 20KIONG_TSG406 ( ) .doc – the web site can non be viewed on the cyberspace since it file extention is.doc, nevertheless if you want to see the web site we kindly ask you to entree this nexus hypertext transfer protocol: // hl=mt & A ; source=hp & A ; biw=1259 & A ; bih=569 & A ; q=Furthermore % 2C+ideas+are+not+isolated+in+memory+but+are+organized+and+associated+with+the+natural+language+that+one+uses+and+the+situations+one+has+encountered+in+the+past. % E2 % 80 % 99+ % 28NCTM % 2C+1989 % 2C+p.+10 % 29, and entree the nexus titled Scaffolding Students ‘ acquisitionRyan.M ( 2003 ) . Classroom Tips For Teaching Measurement. Cited on: ____________ from hypertext transfer protocol: // ( Problem-Solving )Definition:â€Å" Leting the topic to be debatable agencies leting pupils to inquire why things are, to ask, to seek for solutions, and to decide incongruousnesss. It means that both the course of study and direction should get down with jobs, quandary, and inquiries for pupils. †Hiebert Er Al ( 1996, p.12 ) Van de WalleOrâ€Å" Good jobs can animate the geographic expedition of of import mathematical thoughts, raising continuity, and reenforce the demand to understand and utilize assorted schemes, mathematical belongingss, and relationships. Such wonts are of value non merely in the mathematics schoolroom, but besides in formal and informal acquisition and work environments throughout life. †( NCTM, 2000, p. 182 )Critique of Assessment Book:The Assessment book deficiency job work outing inquiries. Looking carefully at the inquiries in the assessment book we noticed that there are merely two job work outing inquiries. These are found under the heading ‘Oral inquiries ‘ and are inquiries figure 3 and 4. Here, the kids are required to happen the entire length of two pieces of strings and to happen the difference between the highs of two kids. Since these two inquiries are under the header of ‘Oral inquiries ‘ we thought that it wo uld hold been better if these inquiries were presented in a written mode as the kids might happen it difficult to retrieve the lengths when working it out. Afterwards the instructor can exchange the lesson to an unwritten manner where they can discourse the grounds for the methods used.Critique of Text Book:There are about five narrative amounts in the text edition, which we think are a spot disputing for eight twelvemonth old pupils. For case, on page 5, the kids have to research which routes from school they will necessitate to run, so as to run 1Km. We think, that this inquiry is misdirecting and the kids would happen it disputing if the instructor will non explicate it good. On page 7, there is another narrative amount about a puppy and how much did it turn each hebdomad. We besides think that this is disputing for the kids since they can acquire confused from where they are traveling to get down. We thought that this would be a possible manner, how the instructor can show this narrative amount to the kids: Teacher: What information was given? Student 1: That the puppy is 55cm long. It was 15cm long when it was born. That it is more than 2 hebdomads old but less than 10 hebdomads old and that it grows the same sum each hebdomad. Teacher: How can you cognize how much the puppy grew hebdomadally? Student 1: First I subtracted the puppy ‘s present length ( 55cm ) with the length when it was born ( 15cm ) . Then I divided the reply ( 40cm ) by 4 by test and mistake since I know the puppy is more than 2 hebdomads old but less than 10 hebdomads old, and got an reply of 10cm growing every hebdomad. Teacher: Who has a different reply? Student 2: I divided the puppy ‘s growing by 5cm and got an reply of 8cm growing per hebdomad. Teacher: How did you look into your reply? Student 2: I multiplied the puppy ‘s hebdomadal growing ( 5cm ) by the figure of hebdomads ( 8weeks ) and got 40cm ( the puppy ‘s present length ) . Teacher: How else can you look into the reply? Student 3: You can add 5cm + 5cm + 5cm + 5cm + 5cm + 5cm + 5cm + 5cm which makes 40cm ( the puppy ‘s present length ) Teacher: Who agrees? Why? Students: I do/I do n't OTHER PROBLEMS FROM PAGE 8Compare and Contrast the Assessment Book with the Textbook.Even though job resolution is seen in both the Assessment book and the Text book, we think that they are non scaffolded since they do non increase in trouble at every inquiry. The Assessment book has two job work outing amounts which are non hard for the kids to understand. However, narrative amounts found in the text edition are rather disputing for a twelvemonth 4 degree since they require a batch of believing accomplishments.Mentions:Thomas R. Post ( 1988 ) Teaching Mathematicss in Grades K-8 Allyn and Bacon, Inc Printed in the United States of AmericaChief Mention:Post, T.R ( 1988 ) Teaching Mathematicss in Grades K-8. United States of America. Allyn and Bacon, IncOther Mentions:Annenberg Foundation ( 2011 ) . Detecting Student Problem resolution. Cited on _________from hypertext transfer protocol: //â€Å" linking mathematical thoughts includes associating new thoughts to associate thoughts considered antecedently. These connexions help pupils see mathematics as a incorporate organic structure of cognition instead than as a set of complexaˆÂ ¦concepts, processs and procedures. †( ktieb ref )Critique of Assessment Book:Mathematicss should non be seen as a set of detached subjects but as a â€Å" web of closely connected thoughts †( book ref ) . Such comparabilites amongst these connected thoughts are non easy perceived by the kids, and so they prompt for more account to reply the ‘why'/ Such equalities in the assorted mathematical content Fieldss ma make a sense of correctedness and linkage in the mathematical surveies. The assessment book nowadayss such connexions truly good. Exercises like exercising 1 under the header ‘ Practice activities ‘ , and the â€Å" Match the appropriate measuring to each object †exercising both provide chances for kids with exercisings affecting existent life state of affairss. This helps the kids to see what they are larning with their ain existent life state of affairss and environments, and therefore it further heighten their acquisition on what is being taught. The unwritten inquiries in the appraisal book besides aid in promoting and disputing kids for farther account of their new thoughts, from which they could develop new scheme grounded on old mathematical cognition.Critique of Textbook:The unity between assorted countries and mathematics is besides apparent in the text edition. It is full of existent life state of affairss to which the kids can associate such mathematical constructs. Such chances help kids to enrich larning in assorted countries. The ‘snake ‘ activity offers the chance to detect if the kids have understood that a fraction has an tantamount denary presentation. Other exercisings besides help pupils to pull their town with assorted paths they might utilize to walk from place to school during a societal surveies lesson. Children are so invited to cipher the distance traveled. Since Mathematics is non a standalone topic, instructors need to pre-plan such activities so that from such connexions, more chances for the enrichment of larning ar e provided.Compare and contrast Assessment book with text edition:Both books make a smooth connexion with other countries so that Mathematical countries are non seen isolated from others. Through the assorted job resolution exercises found on both books but chiefly in the text edition which involve probe, anticipation and measuring exercisings, kids are enabled to construct such procedures and integrate them with scientific discipline. Both books connect truly good with other subjects, but both books could hold provided exercisings with farther probe and geographic expedition of such mathematical constructs and besides supply more chances where kids are asked to explicate their schemes when gauging lengthsCommunication / RepresentationsDefinition:Communication is an indispensable tool for kids to understand mathematical constructs and for problem-solving. Communication consists of enriching the mathematical vocabulary so that the kids will happen it easier to pass on with each other in order to clear up inquiries, discourse a solution or discourse a job. Communication should non merely be between the instructor and the pupil, but besides between the kids themselves. Representation assists the kids to develop and pass on their thought accomplishments and stand for their ain solutions in assorted ways. Models and images aids the kids to understand and pass on better the consequences.Review if the Assessment Book:The ‘Oral inquiries ‘ ( Numberss 1-4 ) allows communicating to discourse the reply for each inquiries. Children can portion their thoughts of how they worked the inquiry out, to the remainder of the category. However, since they are ‘oral inquiries ‘ the kids do non hold the chance to stand for their working or diagrams that they used to acquire the reply. Hence, it lack representation. Page 2 of the Assessment book, involves written exercisings. Here, the kids do non hold the chance to discourse the replies as a group since they are required to compose down their replies in the infinite provided.Review of the text book:The text edition offers rather piquant illustrations that will assist the kids to understand the measuring construct good. Some of the exercisings, for case page 3 and 4 could be worked out in braces or groups. This will besides let sharing of thoughts through communicating. Here, they are required to happen objects, estimation and mensurate them. The activity found on page 5 where the kids has to see where they can run from school so as to make 1 Km has rather an engaging image which the kids can follow, even though the inquiry is a spot disputing for LOW ABILITY STUDENTS. The narrative amounts found on page 7 and 8 allow the kids to pull diagrams or write information in their ain manner so as to happen the reply. The replies can so be discussed as whole group.Compare and Contrast the Assessment Book with the Textbook.Both the Assessment book and the Text book offer the chance to the kids to discourse replies as a whole category, if they are used carefully by the instructor. However the Assessment books lacks a spot Communication since it merely has 4 inquiries to be discussed. Apart of this, both books lack utilizing theoretical accounts to stand for their reply.
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